4TH WEEK, 3 OCT 2014

Before we met for the fourth class, Dr had posted few pictures as a task for all of us to identify the genre, technique and analyse the shot of each pictures. I personally think that it is good to set up materials before the class start as what Dr did. This is because, I can prepare myself before entering the class and get at least prior knowledge of what is going to be taught.

These are the pictures :

1 2 3 4

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am not an ICT person and so I only have a little knowledge about editing pictures. However, Dr’s intention on uploading those pictures creates an awareness in my mind that I need to know how to at least capture a photo using simple techniques such as focus.  Genre is defined as an artistic composition characterized by similarities, style or subject matter. By this I can relate that genre in photography means the type used in taking the pictures such as landscape, wildlife or nature. If Dr did not exposed me to this term, I might not be interested in knowing it. Thus I can say that genre is one of the most important part in photography. Another part of the lecture is about shots (medium, long, short), whereby a photographer uses it most of the time to indirectly tell us what should we look in the picture. For example, the third picture uses a long and wide shot whereby we can see everything clearly and there is also a reflection in the picture. This differ from the second picture whereby we can only see the grass clearly while the moon is quiet blurry. In conclusion, I learn a lot from this class and it get us all excited in taking photo after knowing all these techniques.

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